March marks Field Safe’s 8th anniversary and to celebrate we sat down with CEO Cam Barrett to ask eight questions for eight years of business. Field Safe is proud of its growth, performance, and corporate culture cultivated by its outstanding team. We couldn’t think of a better way to recognize our anniversary than celebrating how we’ve grown and sharing where we’re headed. Read on for Cam Barrett’s eight answers and insights into Field Safe Solutions.
As the company enters its 8th year of business, how do you reflect on that as a leader? What does it mean and how do you approach the new year ahead?
“Time flies, that’s for sure, but I think it’s so critical to new success that we take a moment to truly appreciate what we’ve already accomplished in our first eight years – especially the past four when we really began to see exponential growth from our efforts. We always want to keep looking forward and reaching for that next goal but reaching eight years means we’ve really created a foundation of a stable and successful business that we can be proud of. So, the best way to approach next year, and the next eight, is to recognize success when it happens and just keep building off of it.”
In the past year Field Safe was named the 25th Fastest growing company in Canada. What aspects of the culture have allowed the company to fuel that growth while being a top place to work in the burgeoning tech market in Calgary?
“I believe one of the best parts of our company culture is that we are all committed to acting as a team and focused on “winning” together. Each employee and department have their own goals that we call “win plans,” and when one succeeds, the company succeeds. That’s how we fuel growth.”
What approach to innovation has led Field Safe to see this top growth in Canada?
“At Field Safe, we believe a culture that fosters innovation is the secret to building a strong safety program that creates value across the organization. Our commitment to innovation has helped us become the market leader in EHS technology. Our approach to innovation involves forging strategic partnerships with like-minded companies that have complementary products and services. Together, we will build better solutions for our clients and create more value.”
What is the company culture you aspired to create upon joining Field Safe and do you feel it has been achieved?
“My ideal team is right here. For any team to not only survive, but to become a market leader, there needs to be a strong sense of collaboration and purpose in contributing to the outstanding performance of the organization. Everyone must also feel safe presenting new ideas to the executive team so that we can all achieve our individual needs for excellence.”
Was there a major foothold or pivotal moment in the company’s growth that you did not expect, but has had a significant positive impact on the business?
“We’re in the midst of one now, I think. We have some really exciting partnership opportunities on the horizon, and you can never really expect who is going to find the same value in your business that you do, but when you create strong partnerships in innovation, those are going to have a fantastic impact on the business.”
As Field Safe grows at an exponential rate, where do you think the company and the industry will be in the next 8 years, come 2030?
“In the next eight years, I think there will continue to be exceptional growth – definitely in the industry but also for Field Safe as we stay on top and innovate to lead the market. Come 2030, tech and software will be so integrated into managing the field and worker safety that no one will remember what it was like to work in the danger of complete isolation or even fill out a paper form.”
What is the best strategy for managing and integrating a high-growth team with new personnel?
“I find it incredibly valuable to have the team physically together in the office every day and to actively create opportunities for building better relationships among co-workers. For example, our volunteer “social committee” has done a great job organizing events and bringing fun to the office. The best strategy is to go beyond the 9 – 5 work environment to bring people together.”
For our final question, what is one initiative that has really got you excited heading into the year?
“One initiative we’ve started as a company is sponsoring a charity through social events we hold during the year. It was incredibly important that the charity we chose was local to Calgary and nominated by our staff. While this isn’t related to business operations or tech developments, it is something that will contribute heavily to our team dynamic, culture, and sense of connection with the community.”