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Highly Capable Podcast with Field Safe Solutions

Listen to the Highly Capable Podcast’s Interview with Field Safe

Have you ever wondered how Field Safe began? It’s a great example of how adversity resulted in a solution to a problem, in this case, field worker safety. Field Safe’s CEO, Cameron Barrett, and VP of US Sales, Jeff Boettiger, were recently interviewed by Frank Cantrell for the Highly Capable Podcast. During the interview, they explain Field Safe’s history, discuss our focus on field worker health and safety and share what they believe the future impact of Field Safe will be across the many industries we serve. 

The Highly Capable Podcast is the premiere podcast providing first-hand accounts of those people and companies who have risen to the top of their respective areas. Thank you to Frank and the podcast’s sponsors for this opportunity.

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Listen to the Podcast

Watch our “Introduction To Field Safe” video

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