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Graeme Bate


Graeme Bate is Vice President of Corporate Development at Allied Petroleum Exploration. For 30+ years, Mr. Bate has worked in a variety of industries around the world and is considered one of the petroleum industry’s leading economists, advising governments and companies operating across Africa, the Middle East and Asia. He has led the design and negotiation of production sharing contracts and service contracts in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Pakistan and Gabon. He is a petrophysicist and reservoir engineer and worked for Schlumberger in several African and European countries as a field engineer and manager. He was a Partner with, and the leader of, PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Canadian oil and gas industry consulting business unit. Mr. Bate holds a MSc in Engineering Physics from Queen’s University and a Diploma in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

Graeme Bate

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