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Path to the next normal – beyond Coronavirus

A five stage process reflects the imperative of our time for the fight against COVID-19 is one that today’s leaders need to win if we are to find an economically and socially viable road to the next standard.

In the article “Beyond coronavirus: The path to the next normal”, Leaders call for action through five phases are Resolve, Resilience, Return, Reimagination and Change. The length of each stage may differ depending on the context of geography and industry, and organizations may find themselves operating concurrently in more than one stage as indicated by McKinsey & Company.

When we consider the magnitude of change that the coronavirus has brought about — and will continue to bring about in the weeks and months ahead — we feel compelled to focus not just on an unprecedented health crisis but also on a potential overhaul of the global economic order. It remains to be seen how exactly the crisis unfolds. Yet the five steps outlined here give leaders a straightforward roadmap to start moving to the next standard — a standard that looks unlike that in the years previous to the coronavirus, the pandemic that changed everything. (Source: McKinsey & Company, 2020).

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